Virtual Buying Program

How we can work with you during shelter-in-place

Virtual home buying isn’t for everyone. If legally permitted, you will have the option of doing any of the steps below in person with us. Out of safety and precaution, we have made every step virtual for you!

virtual consultation

Contact us and schedule a virtual consultation appointment so our team can learn what you’re looking for and develop a plan and strategy for you during these unique times.

Home favorites

Once we have an understanding of what you’re looking for and what your budget is, we will email you with listings that match your criteria.

Virtual Property Tours

When you see a property you like that fits your criteria, we will take you on a virtual tour!

Safely Sign Documents Virtually

All documents will be signed virtually from the safety and comfort of your home!

Earnest Money Deposits

You will wire your earnest money deposit or have our mobile title representative pick up a check.


Inspectors will send you all documents electronically including detailed photos and descriptions of the property.

Closing on Your New Home

A mobile notary will bring your closing documents to you or you can digitally sign, when and if permitted.

Home Buying During COVID19 Welcome Home

We’ll even deliver and sanitize the keys!